
Posts Tagged ‘Shin Splints’

The Perils of Too Much Too Soon: Shin Splints!

A common problem new runners have is that they take on too much too soon.  It’s possible that cardiovascular fitness is high so you feel good while running, but your body may not be acclimated to the forces involved.  This is why a slow ramp up is best.  Being more experienced now, I know that with my non-existent base mileage (say, three or four 3-milers per week for about six months), I need to be careful.  So the closely spaced pair of 4-milers this week are expressing themselves as disgruntled shins.  Yep- the bony inner side of my shin is throbbing.  Need to lay off for a couple days, then ease back in.

If I keep pushing like I used to, the shin splints get worse.  You can run on them, albeit painfully, but eventually it comes to a point where you get numb.  Then after the run is over, all hell breaks loose!  It even hurts to operate the pedals while driving since control is needed.  You can ice the shins, but the best thing is rest.  No impact exercises until the pain is gone.

I spent several hours coordinating with my sister last night figuring out logistics of the Disney Half Marathon.  She and her good friend are already signed up.  So, of course, the burning question is: Should I sign up too?  We run it for fun since our times are not competitive at all.  Think of it as a social jog.  But- the biggest concern is lack of base mileage and not being able to run consistently until the beginning of September.  That gives four whole months to ramp up to 13.1 miles, which is doable if you’re lucky enough not to get sick or injured.  (It also depends on your tolerance for treadmill training in case of bad weather.)

As of now, our flights are booked along with hotel and car.  The only thing left is pulling the trigger on registration. The fee for Disney is exorbitant.  Right now, it’s $160 which is the most expensive race I can think of short of the NYC Marathon which is just over $200.

At the same time, I’m at a transitional point in my life where I am in a committed relationship, but have few external responsibilities (i.e. no dog, no kid).  This would be the driver to seize the opportunity to participate in this destination half.  A trip to Harry Potter-ville in Universal Studios is on the agenda, and perhaps a trip to visit mom’s best friend who has the cutest doxie ever named Regis.  (I know- you can only think of one other Regis…)

In exciting news, I have two full days left of work-doldrums here, and Craig arrives tomorrow afternoon!  More adventures to come…

Cinderella's Castle- will I run past you again in 2012?