
Posts Tagged ‘installing pergo’

Laminate Install Briefly Results in Yoga Studio!

Oh my goodness, look what I have in the house!  My very own yoga room!!

My heart be still!

Actually, this is the case until this weekend when the room is finally finished.  While I was plodding away at the Virginia Beach Surf n Santa 10 miler, Craig was home ripping up carpet and laying Pergo laminate in the guest bedroom.  The plan is to replace all the carpet in the house to help with the allergy situation, especially now that we have a dog!  Anyway, this is what I walked into when I got home.  I think he did an amazing job!  The only thing left is installation of the floor molding and quarter round trim.

I had called a couple of local contractors to give us a quote on the job.  My request?  The two upstairs (smallish) bedrooms, adjoining hallway, flight of stairs and the (small) living room to be redone in laminate, or hardwood if the cost differential was negligible.  The quote came out to $5200.

If you are handy, this is where your eyes bulge out a little while staring at the ridiculous estimate, then go onto to order your own materials for a DIY project.  There are also plenty of resources online, how-to books and videos in the library, and friends and coworkers who have taken on a project like this.  No need to go at it alone!

So, you’re looking at ~ $400 worth of laminate, plus maybe $100 of moldings and quarter round.  I will post more about the process once we get to the master bedroom and show a step by step guide.  That will be fun, especially with the custom solution wardrobe from Ikea now known as <dramatic voice> MEGA-WARDROBE!  No, seriously.  It’s like, 8 feet tall and 14 feet wide.


The good news is that I can do yoga.  The bad news is that I pretty much can’t do anything else right now because I hurt my foot during the 10 miler.  I didn’t feel it then, or later that evening, but the next day BOY did it hurt while walking.  It’s not a stress fracture (or at least that’s what I think now), but one thing I’ve learned is that if you THINK you have a running injury, back off and get some rest.  It’s a sad day when your tweenie 13lb dachshund is pulling you uphill while you’re struggling to keep up trying to walk in Uggs (only thing that will fit with foot wrapped in ACE bandage) dragging your right foot like Frankenstein to avoid flexing it.

Oh yeah.  Ladies- don’t even think about heels while recovering from a recovery injury.  Heels are bad news in general!  And, I’m not talking about stilettos.  I’m talking about anything that involves an unnatural position/angle of the foot, and/or toes being squished.  Be kind to your feet.  Be kind to your body.